How to stitch this kuguri-zashi sashiko stencil
May 12, 2024

How to stitch this sashiko stencil to make a kuguri-zashi design

How to stitch this sashiko stencil to make a this kuguri-zashi design:

It makes a nice design just stitched as it is of course, but you can easily use the kuguri-sashi sashiko technique of weaving thread under the stitches to create this more complex textured design.

Here is how:

First use an iron away marker to trace the design onto your fabric.

Next stitch all the vertical lines. Don't change directions, for each line stitch all the way from one edge of the design to the other edge. Next stitch all the horizontal lines in the same way.

Next weave a thread under the Xs as shown here. 

After you have completed a row, put your needle thru the fabric and come up again at the next row, then repeat the weaving process. It is easier if you put the eye end of the needle under the stitched threads.

It'll look like this when finished, except better because these photos are pretty bad!

Next turn the fabric so you can stitch the other direction. You're going to repeat the same thing you just did but going across the existing stitching. 

When you finish the rows you will have this:

Enjoy your stitching adventures!
